JAWHM is an association helping foreigners who plan to come to Japan or are already here.
Our goal is to help them start their new adventure safely and easily.
The Working Holiday Visa is a great opportunity to discover new horizon and live in another country.
Come challenge yourself and experience new things with the Working Holiday in Japan !
Known as the land of the rising sun, Japan is seen as a magnificent and sometimes unreachable country.
The difference of culture and language are the reasons why people are scared to come for a long period.
Coming on holiday and living are different and the experience as well, sometimes it disorientated but it would be something you will experiment once in your life and it will worth it.
During the recent years, the working holiday scheme increase as well as their holder and the working holiday in Japan become more and more popular.
Be able to live for a year and discover a new culture is a unique opportunity which we advise for all of you !
To help you during your process in Japan, our staff will be at your disposal for further more information.
Please feel free to visit us anytime, it will be a pleasure to meet you and help you with your adventure !